Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Dreaded Taper

What is it about tapering for a race that us runners hate? Are we out of routine, do we feel like we are slacking, do we wonder if we are getting out of shape, do we have to much time and energy on our hands or is it the meer fact that we just plan miss running?? Whatever it may be, I don't like it!! I'm trying very hard this time around to enjoy myself but it doesn't seem to be working very well :( Thank goodness this is the week of the Loudonville Street Fair so that gives me something to do!! Plus, we would believe how clean and organized the house is becoming :) I have one more week until OC so the house should be in spic-n-span shape!!!

I really needed this taper!! I have beat my body up pretty bad this year, although I don't have much to show for it! I'm feeling the normal sluggish, achy, yucky feeling that comes with the dreaded taper, but I'm trying to welcome it instead of fighting it :) I keep telling myself to enjoy this time of rest because in 8 days I will need every once of being to complete this 100. I would really, really love to end the year with a 100 finish and a buckle in hand!! So, no bones about it, I NEED TO REST!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday was my last day of boot camp until after Oil Creek (see I am taking this taper seriously!) and then I went to the Y for a 1.25 mile swim. No running!! Made it to the Loudonville Fair in the evening for some good old fair food. Isn't junk food part of tapering!! LOL It's always fun to walk the streets of Loudonville seeing all the exhibits and people!!

Today, got up around 7:00am to fix Corey breakfast (he came home for the night to go to the fair), got Keith off to football practice and then it was my turn with two other parents to feed the football team. We fed them lunch since they had an early practice. No school for the rest of the week because of the fair. I'm so proud no working out of any kind today!! Going crazy, but proud!!!!!

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