Wednesday, March 23, 2011


No running again, today!!

I think I'm starting to like this sleeping in thing and not being so exhausted all the time :) Alot of things that normally don't get done and getting done!!!!

Headed out of the house around 10:15 am for the pool. Forced myself to only swim 1 mile!! Then on to spinning class. Once again, it was very hot in the room that we spin in :( I was dripping wet before we even started. It was a good class but I tried not to over do it, just enough to get the heart pumping!!!

Good news for the day. Kyle, my middle boy, who runs for OWU, has been selected for the second year in a row, for the top 50 Scholar Athletes at OWU!! So proud of him!!!!

Still counting the days till Umstead 100!! 10 days left :)

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