Friday, November 13, 2009


I don't think I can get anymore unmotivated than I have been today. Just feeling tired and sluggish! To top things off, my right hamstring has been bothering me. I don't think it's a big deal but it's enough to piss me off! Ran 6 miles at around 7:00 this morning, got my weight lifting in and swam a mile and a half, including 450yd pull. Keith didn't have school today bacause of teacher-parent conferences but went shopping with his girlfriend for most of the day. Since he was gone, I did absolutely nothing but lay around and watch TV. I felt guilty because it was such a nice day and I should have been outside doing yard work. Tomorrow, we will be traveling to Mt. Union, to watch Corey play his last football game. Kind of sad:( Kyle will be running at Terre Haute, IN in the NCAA Great Lakes Regional Championships. We won't be there, so best of luck to him and his teammates! He is ready for C-C to be over and anxious for track to start. Should be exciting!! I'm so proud of my boys!!! That's all for now...........

1 comment:

Michael Patton said...

so an unmotivated day for you is 6 miles, lifting, and a mile and 1/2 swim? geezzz, I really feel like a slacker!