Monday, January 17, 2011

One Week

This is what I have been doing this week........ I am going to try very hard this week to blog more :)

Sunday 1-9-11 11 miles on the road. abs

Monday 1-10-11 6 miles on the road, 1.25 mile swim and 45 min. spin class

Tuesday 1-11-11 10.5 miles on the trail and lifted weights

Wednesday 1-12-11 Snow day for Keith so I slept in also :) 8 miles on the dreadmill with 2 of those miles walking on the highest incline and lifted weights.

Thrusday 1-13-11 1o miles on the road and did not feel very good. I have been fatigued with no energy. I think it has to do with the change of life thing!!! That will have to be a subject all on it's own!! Lifted weights after my run. I need to start to taper a tiny bit for Run With Regis 50k on Sunday.

Friday 1-14-11 6 miles on the road, 1.25 mile swim with 450yd pull and 45 min. spin class.

Saturday 1-15-11 6.5 miles on the trails which were very snowy and difficult to run on!! abs

Sunday 1-16-11 Run With Regis 50k A cold and snowy day. To be truthful, it beat my body to hell!!!!! There was about a foot of snow on the trails which were slippery and slushy making running very difficult :( Image running on the beach in the deep sand for 6 hours, that's how it was except it was cold!! I did get my PW(personal worst) with a time of 6:16 but there was no way I could have gone any faster!! However, all is good and it will only make me stronger as soon as I get over the soreness!! First female finisher and 8th overall.The best part was seeing and running with all my friends :) A big thank you goes out to Tanya Cady and all the volunters for a great race!!

Monday 1-17-11 Martin Luther King Day A complete day of REST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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