Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Getting Better Everyday!!

Today I ran a whole 4 miles without walking! YEA!! There is still some pain in the hamstring but I'm dealing with it! I ran really,really slow but it is so much better:) Tomorrow, I plan on running 5 miles and see how that goes. I just need to take it slow and easy. Looks like the Huff 50k is out of the question next weekend. It really doesn't upset me too much because I need to get healthy for the spring, because I just found out I got in the Massanutten Mountain Trail 100 miler in Fort Valley, Virginia( I think ) Anyway, I didn't swim today because I needed to get things done around the house plus I was just being lazy. I did lift, however:) Until tomorrow>>>>>>>>>

1 comment:

Mitch said...


We'll miss you and you'll be missing the mud.

- Your friends at The HUFF 50K