Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Is It Really Fall?

I can't believe this weather. The humidity is through the roof and when I got done running this morning it was like I jumped into a swimming pool. I was totally drenched in sweat like it was the middle of the summer! I have never really minded the heat but I can't stand the humidity!! The dear weatherman keeps saying that a front is moving in to cool things off, he had better not be wrong!! And for once we closed our pool before October, so I can't even enjoy a dip in our pool to cool off. Anyway, I ran 8 miles again this morning and decided to skip the weights and go straight to the Y. Swam a mile and a fourth and then went to spinning class for 45 min. I can still feel the soreness in my quads then standing up on the bike or it's because I am not riding as much as I did this spring?

I talked to my sister tonight, who is also a runner, and is doing the Akron Marathon on a relay team. A long story short, one of the girls on her relay team is sick so there is a chance I will be running the last leg for her team. Should be fun! I love not planning things and just jumping into races at the last minute, that way I don't have to think about it!

Tomorrow will be a two-a-day. I plan to run 5 in the morning, lift weights and then interval workout with the c-c team. Although things can always change! It's time to start getting on Keith to get ready for bed or it will be midnight before he makes it. He's my night owl!!!

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